澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 英国成为全球首个批准辉瑞新冠疫苗国家(在线收听

British people are being told help is on the way after the UK became the first country in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine for nationwide use. The first jabs of the Pfizer Biontech vaccine will be given within days. Aged care residents and front-line staff are at the top of the list. The UK has ordered 40 million doses with the first 800,000 arriving almost immediately. The Australian government says its timeline for vaccine distribution early next year remains unchanged.

A helicopter has crashed in the New South Wales Southern Highlands killing two people. The aircraft was reported missing last night east of Marulan and a search in rugged bushland near Tallong found two bodies alongside the wreckage. They yet to be formally identified.

An Adelaide who was on the run for more than 30 hours has been recaptured in a dramatic police chase. Jason Burdon escaped from an Adelaide remand centre on Tuesday by climbing down a rope made of clothes. He was spotted overnight in a stolen car and led police on a helicopter chase during which he allegedly rammed a police car.

Residents and staff at Fraser Island's largest resort and the neighbouring village remain on high alert with authorities warning the bushfire situation could deteriorate rapidly. The fire has been burning for seven weeks across more than 80,000 hectares. The Queensland government has ordered a full review of the preparations and response to the blaze.




