澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美国开始大规模接种辉瑞疫苗(在线收听

A massive clean-up operation is under way this morning after hundreds of kilometres of the nation's east coast was battered by a massive storm. The extraordinary weather event has claimed at least one life with a man dying when his car hit a tree during a deluge at Buderim north of Brisbane. Wild seas coupled with king tides has seen massive erosion in some of the nation's most famous beaches much the New South Wales SES says rain is expected to continue for much of the day.

Overseas holidays are back on the cards with a Trans-Tasman travel bubble likely to be in place early next year. While Kiwis could travel to Australia, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern agreed to reopen to Australian sometime in the new year. The deal needs to be agreed by the federal government.

The country worst hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States, has kicked off its mass vaccination program. US authorities aim to distribute 40 million doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine by the end of the year.



