
Let's briefly talk about (the) your wife, the junior senator from New York State. She now has another woman who is challenging her for the New York State, for her reelection, Jeanine Pirro. Listen to what she said: The Westchester County, a district attorney. Listen to this:

Jeanine Pirro: When Hillary first came to New York and said she wanted to be a New Yorker, She asked us to put out the welcome mat, and New York did. But now she wants to use it as a doormat to the White House.

Is Jeanine Pirro right?

Jeanine Pirro is wrong. She...er... Hillary is... is not using any doormat and by the way she doesn't even have a Republican opponent yet. I don't know who the Republic is gonna nominate. I don't think you do. But I know one thing: she has been a great senator for New York. She serves with the Sanctions on the Arms Services Committee. She's been to the battle zones on more than one occasion. She's been a terrific senator for New York after 9.11, getting funds for the city to start again. She's gotten a large amount of money for working families to get health care for their kids. She's done amazing things on economic projects in upstate New York. And you know if had an opinion from my own, she would have voted 99% a time, she's been a senator. I think she still had ninety-seven and a half. So I'm really proud of the job she did as a senator. And according to all the surveys so are on New Yorkers, I think they know she's been a good senator. She has been a good senator for Republicans and independents and democrats and for every section of the state. And I think the people will support her service in the election next year. That's what I think is gonna happen.

Yeah, you saw, perhaps, our recent CNN USA Today Gallup, a lot of democrats want her to run for the party's nomination in 2008. 46 percent registered democrats prefer her. Only 16 percent, ah, 41 %, excuse me, 16%for John Kerry, 15 % for John Edwards, 8 %for Joe Biden. She is the front-runner right now, isn't she?

No, because she's not a candidate, and I don't know that she will be. We have a rule in our family, that I always follow and that she does. Don't look past the next election, or you might not get past the next election. So I am convinced in my own mind she hasn't decided on that. I believe I would know if she had. And I don't want her even think about that, I want her to focus on getting reelected and on doing a job as a senator. There'll be lots of time to think about that down the road. I just don't think she should do that.
