《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第19集第21期:必有蹊跷(在线收听

Oh, good, there you are. Jenna wanted me to get the car.

太好了你在这儿 珍娜让我去取车

What happened?All right, now this is getting weird.

发生什么了 无事登门 看来必有蹊跷

We're here to talk.I'm not in the mood.

我们是想跟你谈谈 没心情谈

Today's been a no-good, very bad day.

今天坏事连连 糟透了

Annabelle tells me you're looking for something I took from Jonathan Gilbert.

安娜贝拉告诉我你在找一样东西 是我从乔纳森·吉尔伯特那拿走的

I'm listening.What is that?Jonathan was passionate about his inventions.

我听着呢 这是什么 乔纳森热衷于他的发明

He confided in me that he had created a detection device meant to track down the town's vampire element.

他向我推心置腹 告诉我他发明的探测工具 可以跟踪找到吸血鬼

It was a pocket watch.That's what it turned out to be, yes.

那是块怀表 就是那个东西 没错

But that's not what I stole.


I discovered my mistake when I saw the watch in Jonathan's hand the night they took us.

我们被捕当晚看到乔纳森握着那块表时 我才知道偷错了

Its dial pointed at me.So what is this? I have no idea.

它的指针正对着我 那这是什么 我不知道

But now it's yours.What's the catch?There's no catch.

但现在归你了 耍什么阴谋 没阴谋

My daughter wants to stay here.I want to stay here.

我女儿想留在这儿 我也想留下

You refuse to trust us, and for good reason.Consider this an apology.

你不信任我们 理所应当 就当这是道歉吧
