
Beckham's hilarious Interview

Ali-G Interviews Posh Spice and David Beckham for a fund raise in England. Hilarious!

But that ain't an insult and that is the biggest compliment you can pay for a woman. Respect.

No, but seriously, does you take it up the butt?

No, of course I don't.

Beckham, you telling me you ain't never been caught offside?


But me heard you was well good at getting round the back and swinging your balls in, yeah?

They do say it's the way he bends it, I have to say.


Respect, respect, little bit of a different via from Parkinson, well, eh? Now Beckham...Do you reckon the better the footballer you is, the fitter the girl you go out with?


So you is the best at football, you know, so you gets Posh. So does Sporty Spice go out with someone from Scunthorpe United?

That's my friend and she's lovely.
