2021年CRI 吉利和沃尔沃达成合并方案 匈牙利成首个接种中国疫苗的欧盟国家(在线收听

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin says the return of the United States to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and the lifting of sanctions against Iran hold the key to breaking the impasse on the Iranian nuclear issue.

"The current situation of the Iranian nuclear issue is at a critical juncture with both opportunities and challenges. China believes that the return of the U.S. to the JCPOA and the lifting of sanctions on Iran are the keys to breaking stalemate of the Iran nuclear issue."

Iran announced on Tuesday that it will immediately restrict on-site inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Wang says China attaches great significance to the Iranian nuclear issue.

China is expected to conduct more than 40 space launches this year.

An official report says the construction of China's space station will enter a crucial stage this year and China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 is due to complete its orbiting, landing and roving operations.

The report also says China will launch a number of satellites for civil space infrastructure.

The core module of China's space station is expected to be launched this spring.

11 missions to build China's space station are planned this year and next year.

China conducted 39 space launches last year, sending 89 craft into space.

Volvo and Geely have announced wide-ranging collaborations and the combination of part of their businesses.

Retaining independent corporate structures, the two auto companies plan to combine their powertrain operations into one new company focused on next-generation hybrid systems and internal combustion engines.

The new company, expected to become operational this year, will supply to both companies as well as other automobile manufacturers.

Volvo and Geely will also deepen their collaboration on electric vehicles, autonomous driving technologies, and logistics.

Clinics across Hungary have begun using China's Sinopharm vaccine, making it the first European Union country to provide the jab.

The first of four deliveries of the Sinopharm vaccine arrived in Budapest last week, containing 550 thousand vials.

The remainder of the five million doses — enough to inoculate a quarter of Hungary's population — will be delivered by the end of May.

Meanwhile, members of the European Council will meet via video conference today to discuss the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness for health threats.

The first batch of Sinovac vaccine from China has arrived in Singapore.

Singapore has made advanced purchase agreements with Sinovac in addition to other two vaccine companies.

The city-state government said earlier they are still assessing the Sinovac vaccine before it is rolled out to the public.

US President Joe Biden has met with a bipartisan group of lawmakers to discuss critical supply chain issues facing the country.

The meeting occurred shortly before Biden signed an executive order to review US supply chains and boost domestic manufacturing jobs.

The order will focus on four critical products such as semiconductor chips, large-capacity batteries for electric vehicles, rare earth minerals and pharmaceuticals.

It will also direct six sector reviews for defense, public health and biological preparedness, information communications technology, energy and food production.

The United States has been besieged by PPE supply shortages since the onset of the pandemic, while chip shortages have cost jobs in the auto industry.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the country has been sharing coronavirus vaccines with friendly countries.

The comments come as Israel faces international criticism for not doing more to share its vast stockpile of vaccines with the Palestinians.

Netanyahu says that Israel had enough vaccines for its own population, and that he decided to share the doses to reward allies.

Japan's cabinet has green-lit a bill to ratify a free trade deal signed last year by 15 Asia-Pacific countries.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will cover a third of global trade and population.

The trade deal was signed last November and will see tariffs eliminated on 91 percent of goods, with standardized rules pertaining to investment, intellectual property and e-commerce.

The RCEP groups the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.

It will come into effect after the agreement is ratified by six ASEAN members and three non-ASEAN countries.
