英语诗歌精选 赐予我生命的女人(在线收听

The Woman in My Life


The woman in my life Catches me when I've fallen And holds me like a baby when I'm hurt

我生命中的这位女性,总能在我堕落时 将我接住 当我受伤时 视我如婴孩般的拥抱

No matter how high I climb She guides me safely back to Earth


And she's there when I need her My guardian angel


In the dark I can see her Here by my side


The woman in my life Says I'm the one she prayed for And all she's ever gonna need

我生命中的这位女性, 说我是她梦寐以求, 是她所要的一切

But she's the one my heart was made for And that's the way it's always gonna be

但她也是我心所向往的人, 不论过去现在和未来

Now I understand just why my dad Is crazy 'bout the woman in my life

如今我才了解,为何父亲会 如此迷恋我生命中的这位女性
