
Today, we have again called the Syrian charge in London, here to the foreign office, he has been given 7 days to leave the country, other Syrian diplomats will be expelled, two other diplomats will be expelled at the same time. And our allies and partners around the world will be taking similar action and announcing it today, including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United States, Canada and Australia. Of course, we will seek other ways to increase the pressure as well. We will discuss it in the European Union a further tightening of sanctions on Syria. And I’ve had discussions with Russia that I had yesterday, we will go on trying to increase the international pressure on the regime, this is a part of that tightening of pressure.


Apparently, according to Kofi Annan’s spokesman, he conveyed in the frankly possible terms, the importance of President Assad stopping the violence. So it’s clear that Kofi Annan has expressed concern about the regime’s involvement in what appears to be ongoing violence, not just that incident in Houla on Friday which is shot so many and led to this diplomatic coordination of countries’ expelling Syrian envoys around the world. Now, Kofi Annan, I think was hoping for President Assad to agree to do more, but in the face of this blankly denials and the shifting of blame to these terrorists groups. It appears that the regime’s continuing on the familiar path, blaming someone else, blaming the armed uprising and saying that he’s actually sticking to ceasefire and ceasefire which is clearly not in place at all.

