2021年经济学人 穆里德·巴尔古提-四处流浪的游子(4)(在线收听

In 1996, after the Oslo peace accords (a compromise he detested) he returned at last to Ramallah. He tried to coax joy out of himself, as hens were coaxed with barley, but it was hard. Was he returning as a guest, a citizen, or a refugee? In the city, he got lost. On the drive north from the border checkpoints the land was bare and chalky; he had remembered it leafed with green “in twenty languages of beauty”.


Was his memory playing him false? At his birth-village, Deir Ghassanah, where he gave a reading, the villagers mobbed him, but they did not know him. In the main square, daubed with Hamas slogans, he seemed to see the past squatting in the sun, like a dog forgotten by its owners. He wanted to pick it up and urge it towards the future.

是记忆欺骗了他吗?回到出生地代尔加萨纳(Deir Ghassanah),他在那里举行了一场诗歌诵读,村民们将现场围的水泄不通,但没人认识他。主广场上写满了哈马斯的口号,他似乎看到了过去的时光匍匐在阳光下,就像一只被主人遗忘的狗。他想把它捡起来,催促它走向未来。

The last place he lived in was Amman, Jordan’s capital, where he was buried. He was still angry, with a sort of numb despair, at the condition of Palestinians, the moral turpitude of the Palestinian Authority and Israel’s boot on the neck, controlling everything.


He accepted that he would always be in a state of uprootedness. But there was one sure place he belonged, where he could retreat from ugliness, or abuse, or tedious waiting at some checkpoint: his inner space. There he reassured himself that quiet simplicity could be eloquent. Even silence could.

