时差N小时 希望的一代(在线收听

I recently read an article in which one of my favorite columnists, William Safire, explores the use of "generation" in a litany of literary references to American writers. He begins with Hemingway's quotation of "lost generation" and then explores other references throughout recent history.

最近,我在最喜欢的作家William Safire的专栏里看到一篇文章,他擅长研究“generation”一词在美国冗长文学史上的含义。William Safire以海明威的《垮掉的一代》为开始进行研究,然后又探索近代其它文献。

This massive amount of repetition of "generation" in the column by Mr. Safire ought to have already driven home the point. We all belong to specific generations, and cultures and eras tend to identify, mark and classify us according to our age and time on this planet.

在William Safire的专栏里“generation”一词大量重复得出现,强烈突出了其观点。我们正处在一个特殊的时代,只有根据人类在地球上的年代和时间,才能给我们的文化、时代加以定义和标记,从而将我们分类。

What about my generation? I am a baby-boomer. I grew up in the light of Dr. Martin Luther King and the Kennedys, and under the shadow of the Vietnam War. I have always believed in hope. If asked, I would say that I belong to the Generation of Hope.


When I was young, I was convinced there was more good in the world than evil. I still believe that. I thought then and still think that one person can make a difference.


Hope is taking some very hard knocks these days. Hope may be down at the moment, but it is far from out. Many of us are hopers. We know to which generation we belong.

