
The United States and Iran are in active talks over the release of prisoners.


But Washington is denying a report by Iranian state-run television that deals had been struck.


Prisoner swaps between the US and Iran are not uncommon and both countries in recent years have routinely sought the release of detainees.


But any movement between the two countries is particularly sensitive, as the Biden administration looks to restart nuclear talks.


The issue burst into public view with a report in Iran of a deal for the Islamic Republic to release US and British prisoners in exchange for Tehran receiving billions of dollars.


On Monday, Apple faces a trial that could have upend its iron-control over its App Store, which brings billions of dollars each year while feeding more than 1.6 billion iPhones, iPads and other devices.

周一,苹果将面临一场可能会颠覆其对App Store铁腕控制的审判。App Store每年为苹果创收数十亿美元,同时为超过16亿部iphone、ipad和其他设备提供服务。

The case which represents one of the Apple's most serious legal threats in recent years comes from Epic Games, maker of the popular video game fortnight.

这起案件堪称苹果近年来面临的最严重的法律威胁之一,原告是热门电子游戏《堡垒之夜》的制造商Epic Games。

Epic charges that Apple has transformed its once tiny digital storefront into an illegal monopoly that squeezes mobile apps for a slice of their earnings.


Apple denies the charge and seeks to depict Epic as a would be freeloader on its App Store.

苹果则否认这一指控,并试图将Epic描述为想方设法从App Store占便宜的公司。

The United States says it is gravely concerned over a vote by El Salvador's new Congress to remove the magistrates of the constitutional chamber the Supreme Court.


US Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken spoke on Sunday to Salvadorian President about the vote on Saturday.


The State Department says Blinken stress that an independent judiciary is essential to democratic governance.


Governing party lawmakers say the court has put private interests above the people's welfare.


Via remote, I'm Tommy McNeil VOA news.

