2021年经济学人 新兴市场投资者的葵花宝典(2)(在线收听

The debt burden and maturity profile only get you so far. There are three other influences that investors might usefully bear in mind. The first is commodity prices. The collapse in crude prices last year left a few oil-producing countries short of hard-currency earnings. It played a part in the troubles of Ecuador, one of six countries to default on its bonds last year. For a while it seemed likely that Angola, a highly indebted oil exporter, would follow suit. Support from China and the IMF saved it, along with a marked pickup in the oil price late last year. Rising metals prices are also helpful to many indebted countries. The copper price is important for Chile, Peru and Zambia; the price of gold to Ghana and South Africa.


The second factor is exposure to tourism. The hit to the industry from the pandemic played a part in the default of Belize and in stresses elsewhere, says Stuart Culverhouse of Tellimer, an emerging-market research firm. It might take years for tourism to recover fully. The IMF recently sharply downgraded its forecasts for the Caribbean economies. Sri Lanka has been dogged by fears of default, in part because it has heavy debts, but also because of lost income from tourists. For Kenya, an energyimporter with a hefty debt burden, a hit to tourism and a higher oil price is an unfortunate combination.


A third influence is the imf. Understanding its ways is an essential part of investing in emerging-market bonds. The fund has lent a total of $110bn, supporting 86 countries, since the pandemic struck. Some of this has been in the form of debt relief; some in rapid-fire lending and credit lines; some of it is programme lending with strings attached. The IMF is readying a $650bn issue of special drawing rights (SDRS)—essentially an overdraft facility at a negligible interest rate—for its members. The SDR gift will make a big difference to smaller countries, in some cases doubling their foreign-exchange reserves, says Yvette Babb of William Blair, an asset manager.

第三个影响因素是国际货币基金组织。了解其方向是投资新兴市场债券必不可少的一部分。自疫情爆发以来,该基金总共提供了1100亿美元贷款,支持了86个国家。其中一些是以债务减免的形式,一些是快速发放贷款和信用额度,其中一些是附加条件的项目贷款。国际货币基金组织正准备为其成员国发行6500亿美元的特别提款权——本质上是一种利率可忽略不计的透支工具。资产管理公司William Blair的伊薇特·芭布表示,特别提款权的馈赠将对小国产生巨大的影响,在某些情况下会使它们的外汇储备翻一番。

A frosty relationship with the fund is probably unwise. The kinder, gentler IMF has kept sovereign defaults in check much as central-bank action and fiscal stimulus have kept corporate defaults in check in the rich world. There may well be further setbacks to some sovereign Eurobond issuers. But a lot more yieldstarved investors may soon be dusting off their atlases.

