时差N小时 如何在大学里取得成功(1)(在线收听

The letter has finally arrived welcoming you as a member of the class. You're about to become a college freshman.


Half of college education has to come from the student. But how? College counselors, faculty advisers and one very successful student offer the following tips on how to get the most out of your college education.




The most successful students are those actively involved in their education, interacting with classmates and faculty and participating in activities. You become part of the college community, developing support groups that you can turn to for help. Get involved, but not over committed. In the first term, focus on adjusting to the academic demand.


Time management


“Man is first social animal, then a rational one.” Says a professor at purdue university. So you may find it hard to say”no” each time your roommate wants to see a movie when you need to read paradise lost.


College is known for its distractions. In those first months, you'll meet people whose values and priorities are different from yours.

