2021年经济学人 美国消费物价指数飙升或暗示通胀压力(在线收听

The world this week




American banks had a bumper first quarter, with profits and revenues beating analysts’ expectations. They were helped by frenzied market activity, such as the surge in special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) and retail investing. And, thanks to America’s recovering economy, some banks were able to release funds that had been set aside to cover bad loans. JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs both reported record revenues. Returns on tangible common equity, a measure which compares profits to capital, jumped to 29% at JPMorgan and to 33% at Goldman. Wells Fargo posted strong results too.

美国的银行在第一季度业绩斐然,利润和收入都超过了分析师的预期。他们得益于狂热的市场活动,如特殊目的收购公司(spacs)和零售投资的激增。而且,由于美国经济的复苏,一些银行能够释放出拨备资金,来弥补不良贷款。摩根大通(jpmorgan chase)和高盛(Goldman Sachs)都公布了创纪录的收入。摩根大通和高盛的有形普通股股本回报率(一种衡量利润与资本的指标)分别跃升至29%和33%。富国银行也公布了强劲的业绩。

Consumer prices in America rose by 2.6% in the 12 months ending in March, compared with 1.7% in February. The jump was in part caused by the fact that inflation figures compare prices today with what they were a year ago. That was when the first COVID-19 wave spread through the country, pushing down prices.


America’s budget deficit grew to a record $1.7trn in the six months since October. Federal spending soared last month, following the third round of stimulus payments aimed at boosting the economy.


Britain’s economy improved slightly in February as GDP grew by 0.4% compared with the previous month. The uptick was caused by a recovery in post-Brexit trade with the European Union and by businesses adapting to lockdown conditions.


The International Energy Agency revised up this year’s forecast for the growth in oil demand by 230,000 barrels a day to 5.7m. The revision is the result of faster economic recoveries than previously expected, particularly in America and China.


Bernie Madoff, the former financial adviser, died aged 82. He was the mastermind behind the world’s biggest Ponzi scheme, which defrauded investors out of $19bn. He died in a federal prison in North Carolina while serving a 150-year sentence.

前金融顾问伯尼·麦道夫(Bernie Madoff)去世,享年82岁。他是世界上最大的庞氏骗局的策划者,骗走了投资者190亿美元。他被判处150年刑期,在北卡罗来纳州的联邦监狱服刑期间去世。

After a long and bitter battle, Suez and Veolia, two French water companies, agreed to merge. For months Suez’s board resisted the tie-up. But a higher bid that values Suez at 13bn euros ($15bn) helped secure the deal. The transaction will create a giant in the water industry with revenues of 37bn euros. Both companies’ share prices rose by nearly 10%.

