新托福听写训练 第30期(在线收听

Listen to a converastion between two students

W:Hi, Kevin, I haven't seen you since the beginning of this semester. How's it going?

M:Well, I'm a little overwhelmed. The strange I always wanted to go to a big university like this, but now I'm here. I'm not so sure. I mean the courses are interesting enough, but…

W:What's bothering you then?

M:Well, they have going to a small high school and knowing everybody. This is pretty shocking to be in a huge lecture hall with hundreds students and not one professor even knows my name.

W:I know you mean, I felt pretty lost myself last year, but I know about something that may help. It's called the mentor group.

M:The what?

W:The mentor group, it's like a support group. I joint last year when I was a first student.

M:So what is it?

W:It's basically professors and small group of students getting together informly to discuss all kinds of subjects. You have a chance to meet professors and other students.

M:Um… sounds worthwhile, but doesn't it take up a lot of study in time?

W:Not really, you can't study all the time you know and this is like a little break.

M:I guess you can meet a professor whose course you may take late.

W:Exactlly, that's what happened to me! I'm taking a psychology course with Professor Green. I didn't know how interesting psychology was till I talked to him in mentor group.

M:You thought me into it? Is it too late to join?

W:I don't think so, if I were you, I go over to the dean's office and sign up.

M:I was going to the library to return a book, but I can do that later I guess.
