托福口语集训80题 04(在线收听

4. What do you do in yourspare time? Please include specific details in your statement


When I have leisure time, I look forward to spending it outdoors.Breathing fresh air and enjoying the natural light of sunshine are a nice breakfrom the closed in atmosphere of my office. Once outside in a healthyenvironment, my choice of activities is limitless. Mostly I enjoy walks withfriends. We like to explore new parts of the city. Sometimes we head out oftown and try a new hiking trail in the woods. The outdoors is a great place tomeet other like-minded people who are interested in fitness. Recently, I metsomeone on a walking trail. During our walk we found out we are both sighed upfor golf lessons at the local club. In addition, he is interested in joining myfriends and I in forming a volleyball team. The outdoors offers a greatopportunity to spend free time alone or with friends.

