
This is VOA News. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd. Rescue crews have found another body in the rubble of a collapsed 12-story condominium tower near Miami on Saturday, raising the death toll to five as they raced to recover any survivors while fighting back fire and smoke deep inside the concrete and metal remains. Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava announced the heightened toll at an evening news briefing, saying the identification of three bodies had dropped the number of unaccounted-for down to 156. "... and today our search and rescue teams found another body in the rubble and as well our search has revealed some human remains." Earlier, a report released by the city of Surfside said the ground floor pool deck of the oceanfront condominium was resting on a concrete slab that had major structural damage and needed to be extensively repaired. The 2018 engineering report also uncovered abundant cracking and spalling of concrete columns, beams and walls in the parking garage.


Britain's Health Minister Matt Hancock quit on Saturday after he was caught breaking COVID-19 rules by kissing and embracing an aide in his office, enraging colleagues and the public who have been living under lockdown. The 42-year-old Hancock said he resigned after The Sun newspaper published photos Friday of the married minister embracing a woman whom he had appointed to a taxpayer-funded role to scrutinize the performance of his department. "... those of us who make these rules have got to stick by them and that's why I've got to resign." Britain was meant to have lifted all restrictions June 21st, but a rise in cases due to the emergence of the Delta variant first identified in India has pushed back those plans by at least four weeks. This is VOA News. 

英国卫生部长马特·汉考克于周六辞职,他被抓到违反新冠规定,在办公室亲吻并拥抱一名助手,这激怒了一直生活在封锁下的同事和公众。现年42岁的已婚卫生部长汉考克表示,在自己辞职之前,《太阳报》刊登了自己拥抱一名女性的照片,他任命该女子担任纳税人资助的职务,以监督其部门的运行。"... 我们这些制定规则的人必须遵守规则,这就是我必须辞职的原因。”英国原本打算在6月21日解除所有限制,但由于印度首次发现的Delta新冠变种的出现导致病例增加,限制解除计划至少推迟了四周。欢迎收听美国之音新闻。
