2021年经济学人 甘肃马拉松21人因极端天气遇难(在线收听

The world this week




Belarus hijacked a Ryanair plane flying from one EU country (Greece) to another (Lithuania) with more than 100 people on board. The plane was in Belarusian airspace. Citing a “bomb threat”, the authorities sent a fighter jet to make it land in Minsk, the Belarusian capital. They arrested two passengers: Roman Protasevich, an exiled journalist, and his girlfriend. Mr Protasevich had rallied opposition to Alexander Lukashenko, the despot who stole Belarus’s presidential election last year. No bomb was found. Russia applauded Mr Lukashenko’s boldness; the EU mulled sanctions on his isolated regime.

白俄罗斯劫持了一架从欧盟国家希腊飞往另一个欧盟国家——立陶宛的瑞安航空公司飞机,机上有100多人。这架飞机当时位于白俄罗斯领空。当局以“炸弹威胁”为由,派一架战斗机升空,迫使其降落在白俄罗斯首都明斯克。他们逮捕了两名乘客:流亡记者普罗塔塞维奇(Roman Protasevich)和他的女友。普罗塔塞维奇曾集会反对亚历山大·卢卡申科,这位去年窃取白俄罗斯总统选举结果的独裁者。航班上没有发现炸弹。俄罗斯称赞卢卡申科的果敢行动;欧盟则考虑对其孤立的政权实施制裁。

Switzerland said it was walking away from years of negotiations on a new treaty with the EU aimed at harmonising dozens of messy individual deals on trade, investment and the movement of people.


Police in India visited Twitter’s offices after it added a warning of misinformation to tweets posted by members of the ruling party. The tweets purported to detail plans drawn up by the opposition to discredit the government’s handling of the pandemic, but fact-checking organisations said the documents were fake.


America warned its citizens not to travel to Japan, after an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases there. A survey suggested that 80% of Japanese believe the Olympic games, which are due to begin in Tokyo in July, should be postponed again or cancelled.


Twenty-one competitors in a 100km ultra-marathon in a mountainous area of western China were killed by extreme weather, including hail.


The Texas legislature passed a bill that allows the state’s residents to carry a handgun without a licence. The law sets up an online course in gun safety for people unsure about how to handle weapons.


Israel and Hamas, the militant Islamist group that controls Gaza, stuck to a recently agreed ceasefire. To bolster the truce Antony Blinken, America’s secretary of state, held separate meetings with Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, and Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority. He also went to Egypt and Jordan.


Republicans in the American Congress introduced legislation to beef up the government’s monitoring of anti-Semitic attacks. The conflict between Israel and Hamas has led to a “dangerous and drastic surge in anti-Jewish hate” in America, Britain and other countries, according to the Anti-Defamation League, a civil-rights group.


Iran’s Guardian Council disqualified most of the candidates who registered to run in the presidential election on June 18th. Only seven candidates, mostly hardline and pious, were allowed on the ballot. The conservative judiciary chief, Ebrahim Raisi, is the front-runner to succeed Hassan Rouhani, who is relatively moderate.

伊朗宪法监护委员会取消了大多数登记参加6月18日总统选举的候选人资格。只有七名候选人获准参加投票,他们大多是强硬派和务实派。保守派的司法部长易卜拉欣·赖希(Ebrahim Raisi)是接替相对温和的哈桑·鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)的热门人选。
