戴尔英语红宝书 第38期(在线收听

He’s taking the civil service exam.

Victor: Hi,大家好,我是Victor, 

Nancy: Nancy! 

Victor: 今天我们讨论的Topic是: 

Nancy:He’s taking the civil service exam. 


Nancy:This is an exam people take to become government workers. These are usually lower-level jobs, such as working in the Department of Motor Vehicles (known as the DMV), which is where you can get your driver’s license, or as assistants in government bureaus, such as the IRS, which is the tax office. 


Nancy:Postal workers used to take these too, but now the post office is a private company. 


Nancy: He’s taking the civil service exam. 

Victor: He’s taking the civil service exam. 

Nancy: That’s all for today. See you! 

Victor: See you!
