2021年经济学人 奥运VS药物(7)(在线收听

The pipeline of new drugs is unlikely to run dry, says Dr Cooper, for the human body contains hundreds of processes and chemical targets that might be tweaked to boost sporting performance.


There is often more than one biochemical way to achieve the desired effect.


Rather than beefing up an athlete's muscles, another new class of drugs, myostatin inhibitors, slow the routine breakdown of muscle tissue, offering an alternative way of increasing strength.


Cyclists, meanwhile, are rumoured to have been experimenting with a drug called AICAR, hoping it will help them lose weight while holding on to muscle mass.


As with EPO, says Dr Tucker, the idea is to improve the all-important power-to-weight ratio— but by tinkering with the "weight" side of the equation instead of the "power" side.


Those who prefer to stick with the old favourites can simply try using less.


"Micro-dosing"—taking regular small doses instead of occasional big ones—ensures a drug will clear the body faster, making an athlete less likely to fail a test.


New ways of administering old drugs help too.


In a book published last year Grigory Rodchenkov, a chemist who ran the laboratory in Moscow that was at the centre of the Russian doping scandal, recounts how he developed "Duchess",


a whisky-based cocktail that included the steroids trenbolone, oxyandrolone and methenolone.

这是一种以威士忌为基础的鸡尾酒,含有steroids trenbolone、oxyandrolone和metholone。

The idea was that absorption directly through the tissues of the mouth would produce fewer telltale metabolites than injections or pills, and thus cut the risk of detection.


Lower-tech strategies can work, too. One is to get a therapeutic use exemption (TUE)—a doctor's note saying you need a drug for medical reasons.


WADA insists that TUES are granted only after rigorous checks.


A paper from 2020 found no evidence that athletes with TUEs were more likely to win than others. But doubts persist.


In 2018 Britain's Parliament accused Team Sky, a cycling team, of using TUEs to help supply PEDS to riders. (They deny it.)

