2021年经济学人 气候变化会否触发金融危机?(3)(在线收听

The value of financial assets exposed to transition risk is potentially very large.


According to Carbon Tracker, a climate think-tank, around $18trn of global equities, $8trn of bonds and perhaps $30trn of unlisted debt are linked to high-emitting sectors of the economy.

根据气候智库“碳追踪”(Carbon Tracker)的数据,全球约18万亿美元的股票、8万亿美元的债券,或许还有30万亿美元的未上市债券,都与经济中的高排放行业有关。

That compares with the $1trn market for collateralised debt obligations (or CDOs) in 2007, which were at the heart of the global financial crisis.


The impact of losses, however, would depend on who owns the assets.


Regulators might be especially concerned about the exposures of large, “systemically important” banks and insurers, for instance.


Preliminary stress tests conducted by central banks suggest that the impact of climate change on these sorts of institutions might be manageable.


In April the Banque de France (or BdF) released the results from such an exercise.

今年4月,法国央行(Banque de France,简称BdF)公布了测试结果。

It found that French banks’ exposures to transition risks were low.


Claims on insurers, though, did rise as a result of worse droughts and flooding, by more than five times in some regions.


In a recent paper the ECB and the European Systemic Risk Board found similar results.

在最近的一份报告中,欧洲央行和欧洲系统风险委员会(European Systemic Risk Board)发现了类似的结果。

The exposures of euro-area banks and insurers to the highest-emitting sectors were “limited”, although losses in a “hot-house world” scenario where temperatures rise by 3.5°C compared with pre-industrial times were more severe.


Still, in both cases, banks’ losses on their corporate loan books were only around half the level of those in the regular stress tests of euro-area lenders, which they were deemed to be well-capitalised enough to pass.


Those findings are consistent with an exercise by the Dutch central bank (or DNB) in 2018, which found that the impact on Dutch financial firms from transition risks was “manageable”.

这些发现与荷兰央行(DNB) 2018年的一项研究一致,该研究发现转型风险对荷兰金融企业的影响是“可控的”。
