2021年经济学人 水产养殖:大规模种植海草(2)(在线收听

Moreover, seaweed farms bring benefits beyond the immediate value of their crop.


Seaweed is a habitat for many marine creatures, including fish.


Some of these can be harvested for food.


Indeed, for artificial upwelling to bring about that desirable state of affairs it may not even be necessary to farm seaweed.


Ocean artUp, a project led by the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany, is experimenting with the use of upwelling to encourage the growth of the small, planktonic creatures eaten by sardines.


That could help restore stocks of these fish, which are shrinking rapidly in both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.


Ocean artUp, which began in 2017 and is scheduled to run until the end of this year, has concentrated on simulating and measuring exactly how artificial upwelling affects the quantities of nutrients transferred between ocean layers.


One thing the project’s researchers have discovered is that if you pump too hard, some of the upwelled water simply drops back into the depths, without mixing properly.


Stirring the ocean in this way may thus require the design of floating water-mixers, too, to keep the nutrients at the surface.


Meanwhile, in San Francisco, Otherlab, an independent research laboratory, is working on an underwater robot intended to screw large tethers firmly into the seabed, to ensure that floating seaweed farms stay put, and can better survive stormy weather.


Otherlab is part of a consortium paid for by ARPA-e, an American-government agency that is exploring the idea of using seaweed as a source of biofuel.


Those squeamish about anything that smacks of geoengineering—in other words, technology intended to change the world’s climate in ways that oppose global warming—view artificial upwelling with scepticism.


They argue that it could damage other parts of ocean ecosystems, and might even create unwanted side-effects that end up accelerating climate change rather than slowing it.


Proponents, conversely, see these early efforts, at least, as simply restoring upwelling that has been suppressed by climate change.


A study published last year in Nature Climate Change, by a team of researchers from America and China, suggested that the overall stratification of the world’s oceans has increased by 5% since 1960, with up to 20% more stratification in the tropics.


This is despite any countervailing effect of the more extreme weather that global warming brings, which leads to greater churning of the oceans.


Any such churning is overwhelmed by the extra buoyancy of the warmer surface layers.


Cooling the ocean surface by encouraging upwelling might also have a direct effect on the local air temperature.


Warmer surface waters keep the atmosphere above warmer, too. Cooler waters do the reverse.


But the technology would have to be deployed on a vast scale—over millions of hectares of the ocean’s surface—before it had a noticeable effect on the atmosphere.


As Dr von Herzen, who does not advocate geoengineering, points out, any such plans would face more than just economic barriers.


The London Protocol, an international legal framework that regulates marine pollution, sets stringent limits on deliberate geoengineering of the oceans.


The protocol does, however, tolerate justifiable commercial exploitation, along with some carbon capture.


If large-scale seaweed farming were, nevertheless, to be considered for geoengineering, there would be a certain irony in that fact.


To do this would mean dumping the algae thus grown on the ocean floor, to stop the carbon in them returning to the atmosphere.


That would probably work in the short term.


But it was just such a process of sedimentation of organic matter which, over millions of years, produced modern-day petroleum fields.


And it is their oil, furiously pumped up for over a century, that has generated much of the excess of greenhouse gases of which the world is now trying to rid itself.

