斑点带子案 16离奇死亡(2)(在线收听

"How about poison?" "The doctors examined her for it, but without success."


"What do you think that this unfortunate lady died of, then?"


"It is my belief that she died of pure fear and nervous shock, though what it was that frightened her I cannot imagine."


"Were there gypsies in the plantation at the time?"


"Yes, there are nearly always some there."


"Ah, and what did you gather from this allusion to a band -- a speckled band?"


"Sometimes I have thought that it was merely the wild talk of delirium,


sometimes that it may have referred to some band of people, perhaps to these very gypsies in the plantation.


I do not know whether the spotted handkerchiefs which so many of them wear over their heads might have suggested the strange adjective which she used."


Holmes shook his head like a man who is far from being satisfied.


"These are very deep waters," said he; "pray go on with your narrative."

