《冰河世纪2》精讲 15我没有恐惧(在线收听

Boy, Manny sure took a big leap with Ellie today.


Sure did.


He stood on the shore of uncertainty and dove right in. Splash.

前途虽不可知 他还是栽进去 噗通!

Kind of brave, huh? The way he faced his fear.

很勇敢吧? 大胆面对自己的恐惧

I wouldn't know. Sabres don't feel fear.

我听不懂 剑齿科不懂恐惧

Come on, all animals feel fear. It's what separates us from, say, rocks.

少来 所有动物都有恐惧! 所以动物跟…石头不一样

Rocks have no fear.


And they sink. What are you getting at, Sid?

但会沉下去 你在暗示什么?

It may surprise you to know that I, too, have experienced fear.

或许你会感到讶异… 我也感受过恐惧

No. You?


Yeah. Yes, as impossible as it seems,

是的 表面看来虽然不可能

the sloth has natural enemies that would like to harm or otherwise "kill" us.

树懒有天敌可能伤害我们 甚至"杀死"我们

I wonder why? Jealousy, mostly.

我很好奇为什么呢? 主要是因为嫉妒

But the point is that fear is natural.

回到重点 恐惧是天性

Fear is for prey.


Well, then, you're letting the water make you its prey.

这么说 你是水的猎物罗

Justjump in and trust your instincts.

只管跳下去 相信你的直觉

You know, most animals can swim as babies.


And for a tiger, it's like crawling on your belly to stalk helpless prey.

对老虎来说 就像匍匐前进 悄悄接近无辜的猎物

But faster, OK? Now, claw, kick, claw, kick.

但速度要快一点 像这样 划 踢 划、踢

I'm stalking the prey. Claw, kick.

匍匐前进 划 踢

I look back over my shoulder to see if I'm being followed.

然后从肩膀上往后看 有没有人跟踪

And I'm breathing.


And I'm stalking and I'm stalking and I'm...

我匍匐前进 我匍匐前进
