《马达加斯加2》精讲 22活着离开(在线收听

The water, it's gone.


Oh no. The watering hole has never gone dry before.

哦 不 水塘从没干过

We're gonna need a lot more dying holes. How could this happen?

我们需要很多等死洞了 怎么会这样?

Out of my way. What is going on here?

都闪一边去 到底发生什么事了

The watering hole is dried up, there's barely enough water for one of us.

水干了 我们就一个人喝水都不够了

Yes, good observation Shirley. I'm Boby.

好观察力 雪莉 我是斑比

Makunga what will we do? Quiet!

麻昆加 我们该怎么办? 安静!

Listen up. I'm afraid there is only one solution to this horrible crisis.

听着 我想 恐怕只有一个方法 能解决这可怕的危机

We'll all have to fight for it. Fight for it?

我们得竞争水源 竞争?

This is crazy.


That's not fair, you'd win.

这不公平 你肯定赢

Exactly Shirley. I'm Boby.

没错 雪莉 我是斑

Sorry folks, but life isn't fair.

对不起 伙计们 人生本来就不公平

I'm in charge now. Thanks to Alakay, the dancing lion.

现在我是领袖 这要多谢谢跳舞的狮子艾力提

Please Makunga this is the only water on the reserve.

求你了 麻昆加 这是保护区唯一的水源

If you're thirsty you'll have to look for water off the reserve.

如果你渴 你得去保护区外找水喝

Off the reserve?


No one leave the reserve and survived. I left the reserve...

从没人离开保护区存活的 我离开过

and survived.

