绿玉皇冠案 29外出跟踪(3)(在线收听

I waited until midnight, but there was no sign of his return, so I retired to my room.


It was no uncommon thing for him to be away for days and nights on end when he was hot upon a scent, so that his lateness caused me no surprise.


I do not know at what hour he came in,


but when I came down to breakfast in the morning there he was with a cup of coffee in one hand and the paper in the other, as fresh and trim as possible.


"You will excuse my beginning without you, Watson," said he, "but you remember that our client has rather an early appointment this morning."


"Why, it is after nine now," I answered. "I should not be surprised if that were he. I thought I heard a ring."


It was, indeed, our friend the financier.


I was shocked by the change which had come over him, for his face which was naturally of a broad and massive mould,


was now pinched and fallen in, while his hair seemed to me at least a shade whiter.


He entered with a weariness and lethargy which was even more painful than his violence of the morning before,


and he dropped heavily into the armchair which I pushed forward for him.

