美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2008-02-01(在线收听

1. A website used by militant groups says a top al-Qaeda commander has been killed. The man was considered the key link between the Taliban and the terror network. The US officials say he was probably behind a bombing near a US base during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney.

2. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says John McCain is an extraordinary leader who can reach across the political aisle to get things done. The endorsement could help the Republican presidential hopeful win delegate-rich California on Super Tuesday.

3. Police in Aruba are investigating new information in the Natalee Holloway case. Prosecutors say a Dutch crime reporter is giving them information that may help considerably in determining what happened to the Alabama teen who disappeared in 2005.

4. Police say Britney Spears was rushed from her home to a hospital so she can 'get help'. The pop star was given an elaborate escort to the UCLA Medical Center early this morning. And the L.A. Times says she has been placed on a 'mental evaluation hold'.
