美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2008-02-03(在线收听

1. In Maine, the Republican Party is holding a caucus. So far, turnout is heavy. The votes help determine the state's 18 convention delegates. Republican caucuses will happen in about 410 towns across Maine.

2. Prayers for the president of the Mormon Church. Gordon Hinckley is being remembered at the funeral service in Salt Lake City. With thousands attending, Hinckley died at age 97, taking over the church's top spot in 1995.

3. A wedding in Paris for French President Nicolas Sarkozy. He married former model Carla Bruni in a private ceremony with family members present. The official marrying them called it a moment of a great simplicity and affection.

4. Get ready for more winter, at least that's what Punxsutawney Phil says. After the groundhog saw its shadow in this Pennsylvania town, this forecast drew thousands celebrating what amounts to a German superstition.
