美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2008-02-12(在线收听

1. The Pentagon says the six detainees held at Guantanamo Bay for the 9/11 terrorist attacks may face the death penalty. Among those being charged is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the attacks. Those charged will be tried in the military tribunal system set up by the administration.

2. A former police officer accused of killing his pregnant lover has testified at his trial in Ohio. Bobby Cutts Jr. says he accidentally struck Jessie Davis with his elbow. He says he then performed CPR and tried to use bleach to revive her but she wasn't responding and he knew she was dead.

3. Price of mailing a letter is going up again. The Postal Service says the cost of a first-class stamp will rise a penny to 42 cents starting May 12. The price of the Forever stamp will go up at the same time. That means those stamps can still be purchased for 41 cents until the rate increase takes effect.

4. They've been groomed, blow-dried, hairsprayed and even plucked. Dog handlers in New York City put the final touches on their pampered pooches for the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. On hand there're 169 breeds and varieties of dogs. The event is in its 132nd year.
