美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2008-02-24(在线收听

1. Two Air Force pilots are safe after their B-2 stealth bomber crashed in Guam. The plane went down shortly after taking off from Anderson Air Force Base . Both pilots were able to eject before the plane hit the ground. It's the first time a B-2 has ever crashed.


2. More than 500 people gathered to pay their final respects to Brianna Denison. A sea of Teddy bears, blue ribbons and flowers littered the field where the 19-year-old's body was found a week ago. Police are still looking for her killer.


3. This two-year-old is on the road to recovery after swallowing drain cleaner five months ago. His mother was arrested on drug charges in connection with a meth lab where the boy swallowed the dangerous chemical. He's being cared for by his grandparents while he undergoes several surgeries to repair his throat.


4. The Queen Victoria ocean liner didn’t disappoint this morning as she arrived on her maiden visit to Sydney. Thousands lined the foreshore while others sailed out in private yachts to welcome the ship. The Victoria is about 321 yards long and weighs 90,000 tonnes.

