纪录片《南太平洋》 第175期 脆弱天堂(24)(在线收听

Our position now is three degrees...


Eventually, the crew make contact with a passing fishing boat,

最后 摄制组联络上了一艘经过的渔船

and it's heading back in the direction of their dive boat.


There is another boat out here, which is going on a much better course, so we're gonna transfer.

那儿有另一艘船 它的路线要好得多 所以我们要换船了

It's a lucky escape for the team.


The new vessel spends all day and all night motoring towards the new fishing grounds.


8.28 in the morning, and we've already discovered fish.

早上8:28 我们发现鱼了

Right out there, about 150 metres,

就在那里 大约150米

the sea is frothing and boiling and that's obviously where the tuna are,

大海在翻腾冒泡 显然金枪鱼在那

so the ship is doing a circle round it and that's where they'll set the nets.


It's all on, it's all on.

开始了 开始了

Although it's a relief to begin filming, the real challenge is still to come.

虽然开始拍摄让人松了一口气 真正的挑战才刚要到来

They need to get inside the net, and right now, that's not a very inviting prospect.

他们要进入网内 而现在 前景不容乐观

But first, they need their dive boat to find them in this vast expanse.

首先 要让他们的潜水船在 这片辽阔的海域找到他们

I can see our dive boat on the horizon. She's a little spec in the distance.

我看到我们的潜水船在地平线上 远处的一个小点

Here we go again, ship transfer.

我们又走了 换船

There you go, that's our new home.

在那 那是我们的新家

See you tomorrow.

