Global COVID-19 cases surpass 300 mln: Johns Hopkins University(在线收听

Global COVID-19 cases surpass 300 mln: Johns Hopkins University

China, Kenya agree to strengthen partnership

China and Kenya have agreed to strengthen and deepen their relations.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi says it is a consensus reached after the meeting with his Kenyan counterpart Raychelle Omamo in Mombasa.

Wang says China will continue to support Kenya in accelerating industrialization and modernization.

It's been announced that China will appoint a special envoy for the Horn of Africa to support efforts to overcome security challenges and ensure the region's peace and prosperity.

The Chinese side will also provide another 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Kenya.

Access to medical service must not be denied under any excuse: vice premier

Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan says people's access to medical services must not be denied under any excuse.

It comes as multiple complaints have been made about the difficulty of accessing medical services in Xi'an which is experiencing a COVID-19 resurgence.

Sun says it is sad that such cases have occurred and lessons should be learned.

She adds patients in serious or critical conditions must be treated immediately, with or without the proof of nucleic acid tests.

Global COVID-19 cases top 300 million: Johns Hopkins

The number of COVID-19 infections around the world has topped 300 million.

That's according to the latest data provided by Johns Hopkins University.

Chinese mainland reports 116 COVID-19 cases

The Chinese mainland reported 116 new, locally transmitted COVID-19 cases on Thursday.

Shaanxi reported 57 cases while Henan registered 56.

Playbook not just a rule book, but a way of life at Beijing 2022, says Bach

President of the International Olympic Committee says the Beijing 2022 Playbook is not just a rule book, but a way of life, with the Winter Olympic Games approaching.

Thomas Bach says the IOC has held a series of consultation calls with athlete representatives from around the world, the National Olympic Committees and the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations.

They've decided that all Games participants should already follow the measures laid out in the Playbook before their departure to Beijing.

Dozens of protesters killed, at least 12 officers dead in Kazakhstan's Almaty

It's been reported that dozens of protesters were killed overnight as they tried to storm administrative buildings in Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty.

At least 12 law enforcement officers have been killed with over 350 injured during clashes with protesters.

The protests sparked by dissatisfaction over surging fuel prices escalated on Wednesday, with protesters storming the main government building in Almaty, setting police vehicles on fire, and attacking the regional branch of the ruling Nur Otan party.

The mounting unrest has prompted the Kazakh government to seek help from the Collective Security Treaty Organization, which has decided to deploy peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan.

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has signed a presidential decree, accepting the resignation of the government.

Russian planes fly peacekeepers to Kazakhstan: CSTO

The Russian Aerospace Forces are delivering a contingent to Kazakhstan as part of a peacekeeping mission organized by the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

The Collective Peacekeeping Forces include troops from Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

The Moscow-led CSTO says the mission's main tasks are to protect important state and military facilities, and to provide assistance to the Kazakh law enforcement agencies to stabilize the situation.

UN chief appeals for calm in Kazakhstan

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is calling on parties in Kazakhstan to refrain from violence and promote dialogue to address the volatile situation.

A spokesperson for the UN chief also says over 100 international personnel and 530 national staff fall under the UN security arrangements in Kazakhstan and everyone is safe and accounted for.

Biden calls Trump threat to democracy on anniversary of Capitol attack

U.S. President Joe Biden has accused his predecessor Donald Trump of posing a continuing threat to American democracy.

Biden made the remarks in a speech on the anniversary of the deadly U.S. Capitol attack by Trump supporters who tried to overturn his 2020 election defeat.
