CGTN头条新闻2022 天津将开展第三次全市核酸检测(在线收听

Tianjin to launch third citywide nucleic acid testing

China ready for Winter Olympics

Chinese authorities say the country is capable of presenting a simple, safe and wonderful Winter Olympic Games to the world, as all preparations for the event are basically complete.

The statement came after Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Qin Gang delivered video remarks after?the game between the Washington Capitals and Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League.

The Chinese diplomat shared preparation details of the Beijing Winter Olympics and wished?Chinese and U.S. ice hockey teams best of luck in the Games.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbing said the event reflects the American people's expectations for the Winter Games.

Journalist association hosts workshop on human rights protections

Chinese researchers, domestic and international journalists, and foreign embassy media officers have gathered at a workshop in Beijing to discuss China's human rights protections.

This follows the recent publication of a book of President Xi Jinping's statements on respecting and protecting human rights.

The workshop was hosted by the All-China Journalists Association.

Tianjin to launch third citywide nucleic acid testing

Tianjin will launch a third round of citywide nucleic acid testing on Saturday.

Officials say the mass testing is scheduled to be completed in about 24 hours.

So far, 142 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases and 22 asymptomatic carriers have been logged in the latest pandemic resurgence in Tianjin.

UN chief calls for ending suffering for millions of Afghans

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called on the international community to take immediate action to prevent further suffering for millions of Afghans.

The top U.N. official also urged the United States and the World Bank to unfreeze Afghan funds, locked since the Taliban's return to power, to prevent "the nightmare unfolding in Afghanistan" from getting worse.

Australian immigration minister cancels Djokovic's visa

The Australian immigration minister has cancelled tennis player Novak Djokovic's visa.

Alex Hawke said he made the decision in consideration of public interest.

Controversial program affects migrants in Mexico

The Biden administration is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to end the Trump-era migration policy known as "Remain in Mexico."

Lower courts have ruled that it must remain in place.

Critics say the policy exposes migrants to unnecessary dangers. 
