CGTN头条新闻2022 习近平:中国准备举办简单、安全、精彩的冬季奥运会(在线收听

Xi: China ready to deliver simple, safe, splendid Winter Olympics

Xi chairs meeting marking China-central Asian countries ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping says mutual respect, good-neighborly relationship, solidarity and mutual benefit have contributed to the successful cooperation between China and the five Central Asian countries.

He made the remarks during a virtual summit marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the countries.

The president also calls the four principles the source of energy in promoting China's exchange with Central Asian countries in the future.

Leaders of the five Central Asian countries said they eagerly look forward to attending the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics next week.

Xi: China ready to deliver simple, safe, splendid Winter Olympics

Chinese President Xi Jinping says China is all set to deliver a simple, safe and splendid Winter Olympics.

He made the remarks when meeting with Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, on Tuesday in Beijing.

He says everything is ready for the Beijing Winter Olympics following more than six years of preparations.

Nearly 3,000 athletes from about 90 countries and regions will compete at the Beijing Olympics, scheduled to open on Feb. 4.

Bach thanked China for the excellent preparatory work for the Games, saying he is fully confident that the 2022 Winter Olympics will be a safe, smooth and successful event.

China calls for dialogue to resolve Burkina Faso issues

China is calling on all parties in Burkina Faso to resolve their differences through dialogue and restore order as soon as possible.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian says China hopes the parties will work on the issues based on the interests of the people.

He also says the Chinese embassy has issued a notice and will protect the safety of Chinese nationals in the African country.

Telecom technology operation teams get ready for maintenance work during Winter Olympics

Telecom support teams are entering venues of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics today to prepare for the games.

The telecom technology operation teams will provide communication support, including 5G services, which will be widely used in broadcasting, timing and scoring.

Reporter Zhou Yixin visits the operation center to learn about more.

U.S. to send 222 athletes to Beijing Winter Olympics

The United States will send 222 athletes to the Beijing Olympic Winter Games.

The U.S. Olympic Team features 92 returning Olympians, including snowboarder Shaun White and women's alpine skier Mikaela Shiffrin.

The roster is the second-largest U.S. contingent ever at the Olympic Winter Games.

Macron holds talk with Biden over Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron has held a video conference with U.S. President Joe Biden.

Macron has expressed his deep concern about the situation on the borders of Ukraine, and stressed the need to work collectively for a rapid de-escalation.

The meeting was held along with several European leaders and heads of European Union institutions.

The Elysee also says Macron will hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the coming days.

UK police investigating alleged lockdown parties at Downing Street

British police are investigating allegations of Downing Street parties during lockdown.

London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick made the announcement on Tuesday:

"I can confirm that the Met is now investigating a number of events that took place at Downing Street and Whitehall in the last two years in relation to potential breaches of COVID-19 regulations."

Dick says the investigation was prompted both by the information provided by the Cabinet Office inquiry team and by police officers' own assessment.

China releases new-generation spacecraft OS

China has released a new-generation operating system for spacecraft.

The operating system was developed by the Beijing Institute of Control Engineering under China Academy of Space Technology.

Earlier versions of SpaceOS have been used in more than 300 spacecraft.
