美文串记考研词汇 古代人的生活(在线收听

The life of Primitives


About 2 million years ago, our feeble and vulnerable (susceptible) ancestors dwelled in the cavities and they were exposed to grim hardships in nature so as to be prone to diseases.


Nevertheless (Nonetheless), after a long period of evolution, ingenious humanity changed to be sturdy and immune to some diseases. Now, supposing we trace back to 8,000 years ago, let us image visiting our hardy ancestors, who resided at Zhoukoudian.


In early autumn, some women found a flock (string) of wild ducks gliding across the small inlet near Yongding River, and then they flung the net with pebbles fastened on its rim to the ducks. The masculine members of this savage tribe could hunt a bull almost every day.At sunset, all the villagers gathered (converged ) around a big grill. The ignited sticks blazed under the grill, and the drastic flare illuminated the sky. An old mistress, in an imperative tone, summoned all the people to dine. Everyone got a chunk of meat which was distributed by a bizarre stone knife.


They lost some grains on ground at random and reaped more, which initiated the original agriculture. They found ducks could hatch a brood of little ducks, which denoted (signified ) the original husbandry. It is likely that the authentic astronomy originated from the studies of the eclipse.


The underlying reason of the rebellion is the surplus of some nourishing food. With the eruption of a war, the tribes encountered breakdown. In order to appease the turbulent tribes, the chiefs propagated superstition to alter the member’s ideology and consolidate their reign. Catholic moralities catered to the tribal chief's mind; thereby they made the popes, bishops and missionaries preach it. In order to avoid the divine punishment, the pathetic people yielded to the repression of tribal chiefs.


All in all, our ancestors were conscientious and compatible. Their solidarity was important in the face of every catastrophe (disaster) such as hurricanes and other mortal misfortunes.

