早安英文 第672期:英文中的亲戚关系(在线收听


relative 亲戚,亲属

(中文当中提到亲戚,似乎都是指关系较远的。但英文中 relative 这个词指的就是 members of your family,也包括亲近的家人,如 wife, husband, son, daughter 等。)

All her relatives came to the wedding.


blood relatives 有血缘关系的亲戚

parents 父母 - mother (Mom) / father (Dad)

grandparents (外)祖父母 - grandmother (grandma) 外婆或奶奶 / grandfather (grandpa) 外公或爷爷

great-grandparents 爷爷奶奶或外公外婆的父母

grandchildren (外)孙(女) - grandson 外(孙)/granddaughter (外)孙女

sibling - brother and sister 兄弟姐妹(注意:堂表兄弟姐妹不能被称为 brother 或者 sister)

cousin - 堂/表兄弟姐妹

uncle - 叔叔,舅舅

aunt - 阿姨,姑妈,舅妈

nephew - 侄子,外甥

niece - 侄女,外甥女

distant relatives 没有血缘关系的亲戚

英文释义为 relatives who are related to us but not by blood 没有血缘关系的亲戚,比如由于婚姻,收养等形成的亲戚关系

spouse - 配偶,夫或妻

Spouse is the person you are married to such as a husband or wife.

When we get married to our spouses, their families becomes ours, but they become our families by “law”.


parents in law 岳父母,公公婆婆 - father in law 岳父,公公/mother in law 岳母,婆婆

brother in law (配偶的)兄弟

sister in law (配偶的)姐妹

step-mother 继母

step-father 继父

blended family 继亲家庭,组合家庭
