2019年双语新闻 拉米·马雷克的奥斯卡影帝之路(在线收听

A role to call his own


To act is to tell a story – someone else's story.

表演就是讲故事 —— 讲述他人的故事。

This is what Rami Malek did when he played Freddie Mercury (1946-1991) – the lead singer of legendary UK band Queen – in his latest film Bohemian Rhapsody.


And Malek did it well – he took home the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role on Feb 24.

他出色地完成了表演 —— 2月24日,他获得了奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角。

In order to tell the story of the rock star as truthfully as possible, Malek had to give his all.


The 37-year-old US actor spent hours and hours watching every Queen video he could get his hands on.


He hired voice and movement coaches to help him capture Mercury's accent and postures.


He took singing lessons because he had to sing at the top of his voice in the film, even if the voice we hear on the soundtrack isn't his: Malek wanted his performance to be as real as possible.


And since Mercury had buckteeth, Malek began to wear a set of fake teeth a year before the film even started shooting, just so he could get used to the feeling of speaking with them in.


The reason that Malek was so committed to the role is probably that he could relate to Mercury.


Like the singer, who was born in Zanzibar, Africa, and later moved to London, Malek is from an immigrant family himself.


His parents moved from Egypt to the US before Malek was born.


"I'm a first generation American. I can understand what it feels like to be different and feel like a fish out of water and struggle to identify who I am in a place where I feel like I didn't necessarily fit in," Malek told ABC News.


And maybe because of his background, it was hard for Malek to get leading roles.


The small parts he got were stereotypical roles, offered because of Malek's Egyptian origin.


These roles include a pharaoh in the Night at the Museum comedy series and a terrorist in the TV drama 24. All of that really upset Malek.


But this is also why, when Malek won an Oscar this year – especially since he was the first non-white actor in 12 years to win the Best Actor Oscar – the victory came so sweet.

但这也是为什么马雷克今年获得奥斯卡奖这一胜利如此喜人的原因—— 尤其是他成为了奥斯卡12年以来首位非白人影帝。

And it was sweet for others too: It was seen as a victory for immigrants everywhere.


So perhaps Malek was not just telling someone else's story when he played this role – he was telling his own story too.

所以,马雷克在饰演这个角色的时候,并不只是在讲述别人的故事 —— 他也在讲述自己的。
