2021双语新闻 清华大学成立"芯片学院"(在线收听

Boosting China’s chip industry


In almost all electronic devices, there will be chips supporting their functions. Chips, also known as integrated circuits (IC), are the hearts and brains of electronic products.


In April, Tsinghua University officially inaugurated its School for Integrated Circuits, aiming to cultivate talents for the country’s IC industry and make indigenous Chinese chips.


The new school will be the first in China to offer a specialized major in the subject. It will focus on developing top-level research talent. According to Chi Baoyong, a professor at the new school, the school will pursue breakthroughs in areas such as electronic design automation and semiconductor equipment. The school will invite experts from the business community to give lectures.


Integrated circuits are key to the development of the information technology industry. However, due to the comparatively low technical level in IC development, for a long time, China has had to rely on other countries that are more advanced in these areas. This has made the sector a target for bullying for the West. For example, the US banned the use of chips made with American technology in Huawei products. Although China’s IC industry has been on track for high-speed growth in recent years, skillful personnel are badly needed. According to a white paper on China’s IC industry talents released in September 2020, only 511,900 people were working in the sector while in 2022, at least 720,000 such staff will be needed.


So the move of building Tsinghua’s new school comes at a good time, noted Caixin Global. A director with the China Semiconductor Industry Association surnamed Ren told the Global Times that more schools like Tsinghua University’s new school are likely to be established as China goes full speed ahead in its industrial upgrade. “The situation is promising,” he said.


In order to provide strong talent support to the country’s IC industry, integrated circuit science and engineering was upgraded to a first-class discipline in January 2021. And in the 14th Five-Year Plan, China lists semiconductors, used for IC, as one of the seven key technologies it will focus on.


Zhang Yong, a hardware engineer from an IC company in Beijing, also said now might be a golden age for the IC industry in China and the young generation will get more opportunities to play to their talents.


“For students, IC can be an interesting area to explore in the future,” Zhang said. He explained that making a chip is like building a house. “Starting from zero, engineers can complete a work totally by their own design. Since IC is still an emerging area, the work can be challenging and innovative, giving the designers a full sense of accomplishment.”

