2021双语新闻 建党百年历史中,那些闪闪发光的名字(在线收听

Restore a nation


A huge lineup of actors and actresses – including Wang Kai, Jin Dong, Wang Yibo and Zhao Liying – have participated in a new TV series. It has greatly aroused people’s interest and provoked discussion.


The TV series, debuted on May 4, called Faith Makes Great.


It features 40 unsung but inspiring stories of people who have contributed to the founding or development of the Communist Party of China (CPC) over 100 years.


It shows how China has strived for national independence and people’s liberation, while embarking on a road to seek happiness and rejuvenation for the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC.


The 40 stories all have something in common: conveying characters’ strong belief in communism, and dedication to the Party, the country and its people.


The first episode centers around the famous educationist, linguist and translator Chen Wangdao (played by Jin Dong).


Chen devoted himself to translate The Communist Manifesto into Chinese, which in turn paved the way for the birth of the CPC.


In another story, nurse Du Fujia fights against COVID-19 on the frontline.


Du was motivated and supported by her elder brother, Du Fuguo, a hero who lost his hands and eyesight due to a bomb explosion.


Both of them believed in loving our country.


“These characters symbolize the ideal traits of the Chinese people. They deserve our respect and pride,” chief screenwriter, Liang Zhenhua, told Changsha-based Rednet.

