乔布斯传 第547期:铃鼓先生(3)(在线收听

That July, Sony appointed a veteran of the music industry, Jay Samit,


to create its own iTunes-like service, called Sony Connect,

来制作一款和iTunes类似的服务软件。这款软件被命名为Sony Connect,

which would sell songs online and allow them to play on Sony's portable music devices.


"The move was immediately understood as a way to unite the sometimes conflicting electronics and content divisions," the New York Times reported.


"That internal battle was seen by many as the reason Sony,


the inventor of the Walkman and the biggest player in the portable audio market, was being trounced by Apple."


Sony Connect launched in May 2004. It lasted just over three years before Sony shut it down.

2004年5月,Sony Connect发布了。但是只维持了3年,索尼就关闭了这项服务。

Microsoft was willing to license its Windows Media software and digital rights format to other companies,

微软愿意把Windows Media软件和数字版权授予其他公司,

just as it had licensed out its operating system in the 1980s.


Jobs, on the other hand, would not license out Apple's FairPlay to other device makers; it worked only on an iPod.


Nor would he allow other online stores to sell songs for use on iPods.


A variety of experts said this would eventually cause Apple to lose market share,


as it did in the computer wars of the 1980s.


"If Apple continues to rely on a proprietary architecture,"


the Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen told Wired, "the iPod will likely become a niche product."


(Other than in this case, Christensen was one of the world's most insightful business analysts,


and Jobs was deeply influenced by his book The Innovator's Dilemma.)


Bill Gates made the same argument. "There's nothing unique about music," he said. "This story has played out on the PC."

