乔布斯传 第549期:铃鼓先生(5)(在线收听

In the meantime Jobs and his team -- Rubinstein, Fadell, Robbin, Ive


were able to keep coming up with new versions of the iPod that extended Apple's lead.


The first major revision, announced in January 2004, was the iPod Mini.

2004年1月,苹果宣布了第—项重大的改革--推出iPod mini,

Far smaller than the original iPod -- just the size of a business card


it had less capacity and was about the same price.


At one point Jobs decided to kill it, not seeing why anyone would want to pay the same for less.


"He doesn't do sports, so he didn't relate to how it would be great on a run or in the gym," said Fadell.

法德尔说:“他平时不怎么运动,所以他也不知道iPod mini在跑步或去健身时有多方便。”

In fact the Mini was what truly launched the iPod to market dominance,

事实上,iPod mini真正使iPod站稳了市场,

by eliminating the competition from smaller flash-drive players.


In the eighteen months after it was introduced, Apple's market share in the portable music player market shot from 31% to 74%.

在iPod mini发布的18个月之后,苹果在便携式音乐播放器市场中的份额从31%增加到了74%。

The iPod Shuffle, introduced in January 2005, was even more revolutionary.

2005年1月,苹果引入了iPod Shuffle,这是一个更具革命性的创新。

Jobs learned that the shuffle feature on the iPod, which played songs in random order, had become very popular.


People liked to be surprised, and they were also too lazy to keep setting up and revising their playlists.


Some users even became obsessed with figuring out whether the song selection was truly random,


and if so, why their iPod kept coming back to, say, the Neville Brothers.

