优势商务英语谈判 Falling for Physical Manipulations(在线收听

Falling for Physical Manipulations

Dialogue 1 A:Dan,you made it,welcome to our offices.We are happy you made it this morning.Was it easy to find?

B:Well,not exactly.I'm sorry i'm a little late,but i got lost several times.The directions my driver got from your secretary seem to be a little off.But at least i'm here now.I'm glad i made it.Maybe we can invite you over to our office for our next meeting.

A:Oh,i'm sure,we can discuss that later,shall we go to the conference room?everyone is waiting there for us.

B:Certainly,let's go.

A:Follow me.Let me introduce our team,this is Marrie,our accounting manager,Louis,our financial director,and Tom,our head designer.This is Dan from LanZHou Machine Ink.

B:Marrie,Louis,Tom it's a pleasure.

A:Well,shall we get started?Dan,why aren't you have a seat right there?

B:Sure,you know actually.Would you mind getting another chair for me?this one seems unusually and uncomfortable.

Dialogue 2 A:We need to set up another meeting to discuss the financial aspect to our investment.Would you be available to me sometime this weekend?

B:Sure,i'll have to check with our department's secretary to see what dates has open on schedule.we can set something up for Friday,i'll call you later to confirm after i've checked again Mr Fiance's schedule.

A:Great,UM,do you think would be possible to find an auto meeting place?

B:You mean something different from our downtown offices,we've already met successfully three or four times.

A:Yeah,i agreed the last few times we've met have been very successful. but i was hoping we could find another location for our meetings.That wouldn't be so difficult to commute.

B:Did you have trouble finding the place the last few times?

A:NO,no we were able to find it ok,but the problem is the downtown location,it is a little inconvenient for our team to fact their way into the city in the mornings.Our offices located in the Northern surburbs.i know you haven't another branch office on the north side of the city.Would it be possible to meet there instead?

B:I suppose so.
