美国国家公共电台 NPR Twitter禁言了一个剧透Wordle谜题答案的账户(在线收听

Twitter cracks down on an account that revealed answer to Wordle puzzle



Wordle players get six chances to guess a five-letter word. On social media, people share a graphic that shows how they got their answer, without the answer. The spoiler has been banned from Twitter.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Twitter does not allow spoilers to Wordle. As many know, Wordle is a game where players get six chances to guess a five-letter word. On social media, people share a graphic that shows how they got the answer without the answer, but don't take that too far. Twitter blocked an account that revealed an answer. Everybody gets the same word each day, so one spoiler would ruin it for everybody. Steve is a five-letter word - just saying. It's MORNING EDITION.

