美国国家公共电台 NPR 一艘驶往纽约的轮船遭遇风暴导致60个集装箱从船上掉下(在线收听

60 containers fall overboard when ship traveling to New York hit a storm


The ship headed to New York from Taiwan encountered a storm near the Azores on Jan. 15. Among the goods that went overboard were two cookbooks. Their release has been delayed for several months.



Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. A container ship sailing from Taiwan to New York hit a storm. Sixty containers fell overboard, including two soon-to-be released cookbooks - yet another supply chain delay. The publication of both books have been delayed now by several months. Author Melissa Clark tried to keep up a sense of humor. On Instagram, she wrote, I like to think that if the books are at the bottom of the ocean, they're at least teaching whole schools of fish some very tasty recipes. It's MORNING EDITION.

