美国国家公共电台 NPR 荷兰历史悠久的桥梁被拆除,为杰夫·贝佐斯的巨型游艇让路(在线收听

Part of a Dutch bridge will be dismantled so Jeff Bezos can get his new yacht



A Dutch firm is making the yacht. When it's done, it wont fit under a famous bridge in Rotterdam. The city decided to partially take apart the bridge and put it back together after the yacht passes.



Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and one of the world's richest people, wanted to build a yacht - the world's largest sailing yacht, to be specific. He commissioned a Dutch company to make it. When it's finished, it's going to be so big it won't fit under a famous steel bridge in Rotterdam. So the city has decided to take apart the bridge to let Bezos's yacht pass through and get out to open seas. They're going to put the bridge back together again after the yacht sets sail. I'm just going to let you sit with that. It's MORNING EDITION.

早上好我是瑞秋·马丁。亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)是世界上最富有的人之一,他想建造一艘游艇-具体来说,是世界上最大的帆船。他委托一家荷兰公司制作。当它完工时,它将是如此之大,以至于无法在鹿特丹一座著名的钢桥下。因此,该市决定拆掉这座桥,让贝佐斯的游艇通过,驶向公海。游艇启航后,他们将把桥重新组装起来。我只是让你坐在那里。这是早间版。
