
“‘“Mr. Musgrave, sir,” he cried, in a voice which was hoarse with emotion,  “I can't bear disgrace, sir. I've always been proud above my station in life,  and disgrace would kill me. My blood will be on your head, sir—it will, indeed —if you drive me to despair. If you cannot keep me after what has passed, then  for God's sake let me give you notice and leave in a month, as if of my own free  will. I could stand that, Mr. Musgrave, but not to be cast out before all the  folk that I know so well.”

“‘“You don't deserve much consideration, Brunton,” I answered. “Your  conduct has been most infamous. However, as you have been a long time in the  family, I have no wish to bring public disgrace upon you. A month, however is  too long. Take yourself away in a week, and give what reason you like for going. ”

“‘“Only a week, sir?” he cried, in a despairing voice. “A fortnight—say at  least a fortnight!”

“‘“A week,” I repeated, “and you may consider yourself to have been very  leniently dealt with.”

“‘He crept away, his face sunk upon his breast, like a broken man, while I put  out the light and returned to my room.

“‘For two days after this Brunton was most assiduous in his attention to his  duties. I made no allusion to what had passed, and waited with some curiosity to  see how he would cover his disgrace. On the third morning, however he did not  appear, as was his custom, after breakfast to receive my instructions for the  day. As I left the dining-room I happened to meet Rachel Howells, the maid. I  have told you that she had only recently recovered from an illness, and was  looking so wretchedly pale and wan that I remonstrated with her for being at  work.

“‘“You should be in bed,” I said. “Come back to your duties when you are  stronger.”

“‘She looked at me with so strange an expression that I began to suspect that  her brain was affected.

“‘“I am strong enough, Mr. Musgrave,” said she.

“‘“We will see what the doctor says,” I answered. “You must stop work now,  and when you go downstairs just say that I wish to see Brunton.”

“‘“The butler is gone,” said she.

“‘“Gone! Gone where?”

“‘他感情激动,声音嘶哑地高声喊道:“先生,马斯格雷夫先生,我不能丢这个脸,先生 ,我虽然身份低微,但平生极重脸面,丢这份脸就要了我的命。先生,如果你绝人生路,那 我的死亡应由你负责,我会这么办的,确实不假。先生,如果在出了这件事以后你再也不能 留我,那么,看在上帝面上,让我向你申请在一个月内离开,就如同自愿辞职一样。马斯格 雷夫先生,辞职没有关系,但是当着所有熟人的面前把我赶出去可不行。”

“‘我答道:“你不配那么多照顾,布伦顿,你的行为极其恶劣。不过,既然你在我们家这 么长时间了,我也无意让你当众丢脸。不过一个月时间太长了,一星期之内离开吧,随便找 个什么理由都行。”




“‘以后两天,布伦顿非常勤奋专注,克尽职守。我也不提发生过的事,怀着一种好奇心等 着看他怎样保全面子。他有个一习一惯,总是吃罢早餐来接受我对他一天工作的指示,可是 第三天早晨他没有来。我从餐室出来时碰巧遇到女仆雷切尔-豪厄尔斯。前面已经说过,这 位女仆最近刚刚病愈复原,疲惫不堪,面无血色,于是我劝她不要再去工作。




“‘我回答道:“我们要听听医生怎么说。你现在必须停止工作,你到楼下时,请告诉布伦 顿,我要找他。”


