
He relit the stair gas as he spoke, and we saw before us a singular-looking man,  whose appearance, as well as his voice, testified to his jangled nerves. He was  very fat, but had apparently at some time been much fatter, so that the skin  hung about his face in loose pouches, like the cheeks of a blood-hound. He was  of a sickly color, and his thin, sandy hair seemed to bristle up with the  intensity of his emotion. In his hand he held a pistol, but he thrust it into  his pocket as we advanced.

“Good-evening, Mr. Holmes,” said he. “I am sure I am very much obliged to you  for coming round. No one ever needed your advice more than I do. I suppose that  Dr. Trevelyan has told you of this most unwarrantable intrusion into my rooms.”

“Quite so,” said Holmes. “Who are these two men Mr. Blessington, and why do  they wish to molest you?”

“Well, well,” said the resident patient, in a nervous fashion, “of course it  is hard to say that. You can hardly expect me to answer that, Mr. Holmes.”

“Do you mean that you don't know?”

“Come in here, if you please. Just have the kindness to step in here.”

He led the way into his bedroom, which was large and comfortably furnished.

“You see that,” said he, pointing to a big black box at the end of his bed. “ I have never been a very rich man, Mr. Holmes—never made but one investment in  my life, as Dr. Trevelyan would tell you. But I don't believe in bankers. I  would never trust a banker, Mr. Holmes. Between ourselves, what little I have is  in that box, so you can understand what it means to me when unknown people force  themselves into my rooms.”

Holmes looked at Blessington in his questioning way and shook his head.

“I cannot possibly advise you if you try to deceive me,” said he.

“But I have told you everything.”

Holmes turned on his heel with a gesture of disgust. “Good-night, Dr.  Trevelyan,” said he.

他一边说着一边把楼梯上的汽灯又点着了,我们看到面前站着一个面貌奇特的人。从他的外 表和说话的声音看来,他确实神经过度紧张。他很胖,可是显然过去有一段时间,他比现在 还要胖得多,所以他的脸如同猎犬的双颊一般,耷一拉着两只松一弛的肉一袋。他脸色苍白 ,那稀疏的土黄色的头发似乎由于感情激动而竖一立起来。他手中拿着一支手槍,我们向上 走时,他把手槍塞一进了衣袋。

“晚安,福尔摩斯先生,”他说道,“我非常感激你到这里来。没有人比我更需要你的指教 了。我想特里维廉医生已经把有人非法闯入我房一中的事告诉你了。”

“不错,”福尔摩斯说道,“那两个是什么人?布莱星顿先生,他们为什么要有意捉弄你? ”

“唉,唉,”那位住院病人神情不安地说道,“当然,这很难说。你也很难指望我能回答这 样的问题,福尔摩斯先生。”




“你们看看这个,”他指着他一床一头那只大黑箱子说道,“我并不是一个很富有的人,福 尔摩斯先生,特里维廉医生可能已经告诉你了。我一生中除了这次投资外,再也没投过资。 可是我不信任银行家,我从不信任银行家,福尔摩斯先生。你别跟别人说,我所有的那点钱 都在这只箱子里。所以你可以明白,那些不速之客闯入我的房子,对我的影响是多么大了! ”




