华盛顿邮报 美举行最高法大法官就职确认听证会(2)(在线收听

I think, last week, on Friday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sent a pretty strong signal that perhaps this wasn't one in which Republicans should really go all out because she was highly likely to be confirmed in the end.


"Do Republicans want to kind of go to the mat in opposing a nominee who would be the first Black woman Supreme Court justice in the history of the court?"


I think that certainly plays a role in this.


If you look at shortly after we learned there would be a vacancy for the Supreme Court, when Justice Stephen Breyer announced he would be retiring,


there was a lot of talk, especially among conservative pundits but even among some Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, about the idea that this was a quota pick or an affirmative action hire


because President Biden had said that he would nominate a Black woman to this job.


And so I think there was a real question about how much Republicans would press forward with that charge.


Would they lift up Ketanji Brown Jackson as an affirmative action pick or a quota hire?


We have seen very little evidence that they intend to press that case in the last day plus.


I think that's reflective of the fact that they're treading a little bit lightly around a nomination that won't flip the balance of power and is somewhat of a minefield when it comes to pushing back too hard against it.


So tell me what we've seen so far about what Republicans are trying to do here.


What are the questions that they're asking, and how does that get to the strategy that they think will be helpful in this situation?


So I really see three themes emerging early in this confirmation process.


One is the more standard-issue questions that you see from the likes of Senator Grassley, some of the more established members of Judiciary Committee.


Others you are seeing basically talking a lot about hearings that have been in the past, not necessarily this hearing.


They're talking about how Democrats allegedly mistreated Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas.


Brett Kavanaugh and also lower court, appeals court nominees like Janice Rogers Brown and Miguel Estrada.


And then, most of the members of this committee remember the confirmation hearing of Brett Kavanaugh, one of the lowest moments in the history of this committee.

