华盛顿邮报 美堕胎权裁决如何帮助拜登扭转选情?(3)(在线收听

So, one of the stops you made in Pennsylvania was in Bucks County to the Polish American Family Festival & Country Fair.


Can you tell me about some of the conversations you've had with people there?


I went to Bucks County because I knew it was this interesting place outside of Philadelphia where, you know, Biden narrowly won the county in 2020.


But it's this place where I think, you know, Republicans felt like they had made gains.


Last year, you saw GOP candidates winning some local races.


And that really contributed to this feeling that I think a lot of Republicans around the country had -- that they were making gains in, like, the suburbs -- right? -- and with, you know, suburban women and all these key swing groups.


I'm Marianne Troy, and right now, I'm living in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.


Well, so how do you describe yourself politically? Like, do you identify with one party or the other?

嗯, 那你在政治上是怎么形容自己的? 比如说,你认同哪个党派?

I used to be a Republican.


One of the people I met in Bucks County was Marianne Troy, and she was once a Republican, she's voted for Democrats in recent years, and she felt very strongly about abortion.


She did not like Mastriano's position on exceptions to abortion bans.


So, like, I'm a practicing Catholic, but you know what?


Rape, incest, and the life of the mother -- I mean, come on.


You know, we're already seeing what's happening in Texas when doctors are afraid to help a woman that's having a miscarriage.


It's a sentiment that I heard from so many people, especially women, where, you know, they just felt like Republican candidates, especially the ones at the top of the ticket in Pennsylvania, have staked out very uncompromising positions on abortion access.


I feel that they hate women, these men that are doing this, and they have no right to -- I don't think any politician has any right to have anything to say about what goes on between a doctor and their patient.


And you went canvassing, right, with a group of anti-abortion activists.


Can you talk about how they were, like, navigating that challenge of trying to get people excited for their cause in advance of the election?


Yeah. So, I went out canvassing with people from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, which is one of these big national groups opposing abortion.

好。我会和Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America(这是一个大型反堕胎全国性组织)的人一起去游说。
