华尔街的赚钱经 环球影城总裁罗恩(4)(在线收听

Luck and a Winning Attitude


Meyer's messenger job included chauffeuring Paul Kohner, a successful agent who represented stars like John Huston, Billy Wilder, Charles Bronson and Lana Turner.


Meyer kept his eyes on the road--and his ears on the conversations in the backseat. "Paul would have meetings in his car and talk about deals.


I learned the business, and got to know a lot of people."


Meyer was lucky to work with a good boss-and he had the brains to make the most of that experience. In nearly six years of driving for Kohner , Meyer became his right-hand man.

梅耶尔很幸运,可以与一个好老板共事,同时他也很聪明,充分利用了那段经历。在为保罗·科赫纳开车近 6年后,梅耶那二尔成了他的得力助手。

By that time, though he knew the business, he still had to learn a lot about the process.


He pretended he was an agent and landed a job at ü ber agency William Morris in the TV talent department.


After everyone left at night, he would analyze his mentor's deals and figure out how to do them.


By the 1970s, Meyer had built a lot of relation ships in the business. His clients included Sally Struthers and Rob Reiner.

到了 20世纪70年代,梅耶尔的人际关系已经很广。他的客户包括莎莉·史特瑟斯和罗布·赖纳。

Clearly, Meyer was becoming a leader in his industry.

